The first known Western explorer to reach China was Marco Polo, the Venetian merchant and adventurer. Polo traveled to China during the late...
ByCarlosppp9November 25, 2024Abraham, often referred to as the “Father of Faith,” is a central figure in the Abrahamic religionsāJudaism, Christianity, and Islam. His life and...
ByCarlosppp9November 24, 2024What does the Bible say about the essence of life? It all begins in the book of Genesis and we can see that...
ByCarlosppp9September 16, 2024Solomon, son of David, was one of the greatest writers of the Old Testament. He composed part of the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,...
ByCarlosppp9September 14, 2024At first, Jesus said that the kingdom of God is compared to a mustard seed. He said this so that people would understand...
ByCarlosppp9September 12, 2024First of all, stopping sinning can be a challenge for thousands of people around the world. Over time, it is possible to see...
ByCarlosppp9September 11, 2024The Bible never states that a Christian cannot smoke. A Christian is free to do whatever he wants. However, the freedom that Christ...
ByCarlosppp9September 7, 2024At first, things related to smoking and other types of addiction are seen as sins by many believers in the world. I once...
ByCarlosppp9September 6, 2024In general, no Christian is obliged to fight if called up for recruitment. This is because there is no evidence that says that...
ByCarlosppp9August 8, 2024The story of Abraham is captivating for any believer or non-believer. This is because Father Abraham is a central figure in the Bible...
ByCarlosppp9July 30, 2024